22 February 2008

Jonesin' for Treasure.

Give it a lot about the tot lot about well not what do and a bottle man with a division of the same it in his post it Johnson for treasurer what saw all man gamma in a game needing it why it all sheets of the odd that the minute they met them at the bout them and the a to a fuck have the gall game with a loaded into do you fuck to a will they be at the O Allen Perry at the no on a call E is a knoll they said they were going to call me as I did on Tommy noll I’m not you didn’t do a duet the new didn’t have that didn’t deter them with Canada who did that if you have to have an up to a kidney to a to a

The above conversation was recorded using the voice recognition software on my laptop. You cannot tell, but it is me trying to remember the theme song for the Indiana Jones movies.


popg0estheworld said...

You know, I had an inkling that Tommy noll (with the understanding that I'm not you) didn’t do a duet the new. Additionally, he didn’t have that "didn’t deter" attitude with "them," presumably "them" being Canada, who apparently did "that" if you have to have an up to (and presumably including) a kidney. Man- your computer translates normal speech into the same language you speak in your sleep.

Samantha said...

THIS IS HILARIOUS!!! Why is it like that?? This is like, a semi-retarded person who has to blink to type's work. MOOOOORE! Blog like this all the time!

I missed you at my scrapbooking thing. So I thought I'd get like, 14 bucks of free product but people ordered so much I get near 100!!!! Aaaawesome!!